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FSA Updates as We Enter a New Year…

a woman writing numbers on sand with her hand

Welcome to all of our new subscribers!

Beginning a new year provides an opportunity to release what no longer serves us, which allows us to both embrace and pursue what now does. Many of my FSA recovery coaching clients have shared with me that they are experiencing a mix of both grief and hope as they enter 2023 – and also a sense of relief – as they accept and release painful family realities and commit to bringing into their life only what serves them at the HIGHEST level. I am wishing for you the same.

REMINDER: Sheree Clark’s Online Speaker Summit Begins Soon!

You’re not too late! As mentioned in my last blog post, Midlife Courage Coach Sheree Clark is hosting an audio talk series that begins January 16th and runs through January 31st.The entire event is free, and even better, the interviews are under 25 minutes and really interesting with no fluff. The event is called Sheree Clark’s January Talk Series for Midlife Women.

I’ve checked out the speakers and the topics that will be covered and many of them look intriguing, even if you are not a woman in midlife, so I hope you’ll take a moment to click on the link, above, and explore this valuable online (audio) Guest Expert speaker summit.

My interview on family scapegoating abuse (FSA) and the attendant trauma that can result from FSA will be released via an email sent directly to your inbox on January 27th. I was impressed with the insightful questions Sheree thought to ask, and I hope you find something of value when you listen to our conversation.

NEW VIDEO RELEASES on YouTube – and New Weekly Schedule

2023 has already presented many life challenges to me personally – including a loved one being seriously injured whom I am currently caring for – and so I have adjusted my YouTube video release schedule as follows:

New videos covering questions and topics submitted by my YouTube subscribes will be released every Saturday at 10 am PST.

‘Bonus’ videos (extra videos I have time to create each month) will be released as time allows.

I love the community that is forming over on YouTube and I hope to be able to institute a more ‘formal’ community membership opportunity for FSA adult survivors when time allows.

Check out my latest ‘bonus’ video (below), which addresses FSA adult survivors being told they are “faking” their illnesses or injuries. Tomorrow (Saturday) I’ll release a video that discusses a common ‘repair fantasy’ many FSA adult survivors have after ending contact with dysfunctional or narcissistic family members, so be sure to check it out.

Have a question about FSA or a suggested topic? Leave it in the comments for me to address in a future YouTube video on my channel.

SCAPEGOATED within your family system? Were your truthful reports of being ill or injured denied or outright challenged or disbelieved by family members? You’re not alone: My research on what I named ‘family scapegoating abuse’ (FSA) indicated that over 50% of FSA adult survivors experienced this phenomenon as a child or as an adult child – even when there was medical proof to back up their claims!

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