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The Empath Truth-Teller, Family Scapegoating, and Sibling Estrangement (2 New Videos)

female hand shadow touching red bush roses twig in studio

This week on Beyond Family Scapegoating Abuse (YouTube) I address two topics pertaining to family scapegoating abuse (FSA), including a ‘Subscriber Question of the Week’. Descriptions and links to my latest vlogs are included below. Be sure to check out our YouTube Community board to participate in polls about FSA; you can also suggest future video topics in the comments as well.

– Rebecca C. Mandeville, LMFT, CCTP

Video One – Subscriber Question of the Week: “Can you tell us how the family projective identification process can lead to sibling estrangement when you’re the scapegoat in the family?”

Link to Video One:

Video Two – “You’re Too Sensitive!” – Why the Family Empath / Truth-Teller can end up in the ‘family scapegoat’ role.

Link to Video Two:

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